Friday, October 24, 2008

Hola Amigos!

Andy and I took a break from parenting with a short trip to Puerto Vallarta. While tempted to leave the baobao home with some Cheerios, milk and a stash of Yobaby, we thought it prudent to have Nainai come stay with her instead.

We had a great time. This video,
Destination Calabria, played everywhere: it's naughty and catchy. Band Geeks will either rejoice or clutch their chests with early cardiac arrest. Andy particularly likes the booty taps.

We stayed at
Casa Amorita. Go there. The photo in the upper left hand corner is from the balcony in our room. The one drawback - there is a Mexican Extra Terrestial project, where a gong sounds on the hour - every hour - and sometimes on its own for unspecified reasons. At first it's funny. Then it's annoying. Then you ignore it.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Last Sunny Weekend in Seattle for the Year

We knew the rain was coming! We spent last weekend bumming around the backyard. Elizabeth, our budding nudist, made the most of the waning sun by hanging out in her altogether.

Unfortunately the yellow jackets that have been lazily circling our fence decided she was good eating. Note the red cheek. We now know she isn't allergic to bee stings so that's a silver lining to an otherwise stressful scream fest. It also put the kibosh for our original plans to dress her as a bee for Halloween.

When she's dressed, she likes to feed her babies. Here she is giving milk to Bebe. Her burping method is unorthodox but I suppose mimics that of her parents.