Friday, June 22, 2007

Eat, Crawl, Walk, Talk

Since we returned from my folks house 2.5 weeks ago, some major changes have occurred with the baobao.
  • She wants soup for dinner. Every. Single. Day. Not too hot (we learned the hard way) but always with noodles and carrots. She likes Grandpa Paul's chicken soup the best.
  • She decided that walking (and by walking I mean a Peter-Boyle-as-Frankenstein's-monster stagger) holding Mom and Dad's hands is a great way to get around.
  • She is crawling - forward. Finally! The incentive to get her moving: one of George the dog's toys.
  • She is talking up a storm (considering her parents, no surprise.) See the Word Count list on the right hand toolbar for the running tally.
Now that she's mobile, we've invested in a playpen. So far she hasn't started singing "Dad I'm In Jail. I like it here. It's nice" so I guess we're doing OK though I'm sure Was Not Was would love the residuals.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Where's she been?

Hey we've we been? Well, we had her Santa Barbara relatives up for visits. Then we had to prep for Elizabeth's first birthday, which went great. Finally, we all traveled to the East Coast to see her grandparents there. So we've neglected her blog, but not her!

She has been delighted with all the attention and now wonders why the world doesn't cheer whenever she sits, stands, crawls or simply does her baobao thing.

Her one year dr appointment went well. No early intervention needed, which is great! She now weights 27 lbs (see Nancy's biceps for proof of that) so both parents are hoping she'll be ambulatory soon.