Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dad Tuesday Update

Well, they woke Dad up yesterday. Western medicine can be miraculous. Monday night, Dad was out. Tuesday morning, he was concious but all tubed up. By 2 pm, he was sitting up, talking and telling bad jokes.

It took him a while to understand it was Tuesday, not Monday. He said "Well I woke up at 10 minutes to 11 and I thought, well they got finished right on time." He had no recall of Monday's activities. We told him about the surgery and subsequent events. He wanted to know what was happening in the world, and was impressed that Musharref finally resigned. His nurse, Sonya, made him sit in a chair, watch some television (cartoons!) and he took a short (like 20 steps) walk last night. Amazing.

His recovery of course is a step forward, a half-step back. The ICU nurse told us this morning that he had a hard night last night, coughed lots of phlegm and was in a lot of pain, which is a bummer, but I guess par for the course. I think they'll keep him in the ICU for another day or two.

My mom is doing better today. We are off to the hospital this morning with a side trip to Marshall's on the way up. Nothing like a little retail therapy.

I did talk with Elizabeth on the phone last night. Nainai and Dad are keeping her busy for which I am incredibly grateful.

1 comment:

Gay Curmudgeon said...

Please pass on our love to your Mum and Dad and our best wishes for Boris' speedy and smooth recovery.