Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Big Girl Hike

When we were getting ready to bring Elizabeth home, all our friends with kids said "Do all the things you love to do now because your time to do those things will be very limited." Aside from eating out, seeing lots of movies, plays and music, there wasn't much Nancy and I stopped doing without getting a sitter or just bringing along EXS.

Except long hikes.

Gone are the days of waking up, getting the 10 essentials, putting on the sneakers and REI-End-of-Summer-Sale bargain clothes and driving out to the mountains for a nice day hike then collapsing at 8PM. EXS is now strong enough (2 years, almost 4 months, 37 inches, 40 pds) to walk a mile and a half without the stroller.

It was just a flat loop with a lunch inbetween but what a great family outing. Below are some pictures and a video near the end of the hike. What a big girl.

Bonus Feature: EXS showing what a bird does
1/2 way through the video.

1 comment:

Don't Worry Be Hambly said...

Wow! It's hard for me to walk a mile and a half. I love the video. EXS is so big!

Love and Miss all of the McJensens!
