Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Last Blasts of Summer

Yes it's true. Elizabeth and I sit around the pool, eating bonbons and wondering what happened to the pool boy in the waning days of summer.

We also play hide and seek with the ever-patient George the dog. Here is one of Elizabeth's favorite hiding places.

It's tough to tell where she is but eventually hunger and thirst take over and she emerges looking for milk and popsicles.

We take George to the dog park, where there are also ....goats. Elizabeth scaled the 5' fence and almost made it into the goat enclosure.
Here's a couple more photos of our "staycation" (I know, how trendy are we?) This is our day trip on Vashon Island. Finally - good news from Nancy's Dad this morning. His Dr. reports that the surgery was a success. The tumor margins were clear, it was a small nodule, they got all of it, and no further treatment is required. Of course, he is still recovering from the surgery, is taking "a ton of medications" (a direct quote from Dad) is supposed to walk, rain or shine, and that it will still take a while. But this is good news.

Oh - and last night Elizabeth informed me "I want to be called Betty." OK!

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