Monday, March 12, 2007

Guangzhou noodles... mmmm

Some new pictures and bullet point events since we left Changsha on Sunday, flew for an hour, (very uneventful; some might even describe the experience as pleasant) and landed in Guangzhou. It is Tuesday, March 13, 11am here.

EXS likes everything but bananas. Inbetween mouthfuls of rice and noodles, she really likes apple juice, her AD milk formula (same as she had at the Ping Jiang Child Welfare Center; it works) and a few ounces of water to wash it down. She smacks her lips and says "aaah."

She passed her immigration physical with flying colors:

Blood pressure: Normal

Body tempature: Normal

Length: 76.5 cm (almost 30")

Weight: 11.7 kg (26 pounds)

She's many cms and kgs bigger than the same girls that came from Ping Jiang. Some of them are almost a whole year older. That's one big buddha baby. The families in our group have dinner together, and will often ask if EXS needs leftovers.

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