Friday, March 16, 2007

We're home we're safe...

We're sleeping.

Over the last two days, we traveled on two planes in 16 hours over 8 time zones and three countries. You want a crib? How about daddy's arm on an arm rest? How about peeing, puking and pooing all over Mama on NW Fight #8 lavatory? Sorry about the blanket, Northwest Airlines.

Or how about a pleasant diaper changing experience? How about smacking the back of your head on the floor of the men's restroom of the Tokyo-Narita International Airport with no shirt on? Then immediately sit up (awesome abs, baby!) bury your head in Daddy's left thigh and scream it out.

Those are just two highlights in an otherwise uneventful journey.

OK, three. After clearing Chinese security before boarding the plane for Tokyo-Narita, the stone-faced female officer gave us the okay for our bags and then played with and gushed over EXS while the line backed up behind us. EXS simply basked in the glory, never giving away that she was actually 12kg of pure China White. College fund, baby!

I'm kidding, Homeland Security.

More pictures from China (Thanks, Canon!) to be posted soon.


Truly Blessed said...

Well......did she like the colors you chose for the walls??? :)

Andy Joe said...

Yes. She especially likes the yellow when her eyes are closed.