Tuesday, March 6, 2007

We got her!

We're in Changsha with Miss EXS. While she is crying heartily at this moment (she is fighting going to sleep) she is a happy and funny baby. She was very calm during the pandemonium at the Civic Affairs Office here; we played, she laughed, and she is in LOVE with Andy and Nancy. Andy has been carrying her around in the Baby Bjorn most of the day, which she likes very much. Now she realizes that she is stuck with us. It is a bit much for her.

As her photos showed, she is in fact a big baby - she barely fits into the 12 month clothes we brought, and will most likely move into the 18 months items pretty fast. She really likes to dance; we've been singing to her and she shimmies and kicks. As we get to know each other better, we'll post more details. Meanwhile know that she is super healthy and we feel lucky to have met up with her.

Mr Chen the orphanage director tells us that she already can feed herself, is very active (he emphasized this and was amused when he was told we ran the HK10k last weekend) that she knows a couple of words (mama and dada; she has already put together that Andy is Dada) and thankfully our baby Mandarin has stuck and we are able to communicate the basics with her. To give you an idea of her development, when Mr Chen told us about bathing procedure, he said "just wash them in the sink. Except for Xia Shuang. Just use the grown up tub for her - she's too big for the sink."

Andy says to mention "with all the daddy-love that I was the one who was able to put her down for her afternoon nap after 45 minutes of crying with just Daddy. Also Nancy was the one who held her for dinner while she ate 2 whole bowls of pork and rice with potatoes, and he says I am a very good Mom." We were able to stay calm at the hand-off and that has really helped with her transition we think.

We'll post photos tomorrow; our room doesn't let us send and we are in for the night; she is now dropping off, and there is no way we are jeopardizing that hard-earned sleep! Andy is planning to enjoy his Bud (the local premium beer) and I am just going to sit down.

More later - with love from all three of us - Andy, Nancy and Baobao Elizabeth

P.S. When we were waiting around the Civic Affairs Office, 2 of the local workers walked by Andy and EXS; both stopped and exclaimed "Baby Buddha!"


Gay Curmudgeon said...

Congratulations to the whole family from us both!

He Who Must Be Obeyed couldn't sleep and saw your post just after it was published.

We can hardly wait to meet her when you all get home.



john said...

A thousand cheers! Welcome to the family!

Unknown said...

That's great new Nancy & Andy.
Get some sleep while you can.

Nikki said...

Can't wait to see a picture.
Get some sleep.

Ted Prodromou said...

Congratulations from the Prodromou's!!! Alicia and Mike are ready to baby sit!!

nancymcjensen said...

Hello all! Thanks for the love and good wishes! We are actually sleeping well - she sacks out for 11-12 hours each night. Here's Andy:

How happy is Daddy? When EXS wakes up, she needs to just chill out and stare at the ceiling for a while as she hangs out between us on the bed. And she smiles.

When she smiles, she doesn't put the edges of her mouth towards her cheeks, she just kind of raises her upper lip and cheeks and then giggles with her husky voice, showing off her two front teeth. She's already up to something.

Steffie B. said...

Oh...I am so thrilled for you!